Our Services

Care at Home

Many people in need of care are now choosing to be supported in their homes drawing comfort from familiar surroundings and having loved ones nearby. Our Care at Home service ensures that the service users are supported to lead the best possible normal life despite their care needs. Simple tasks such as preparing a meal or taking a shower can become overwhelming and our dedicated homecare and support staff can help you to maintain your independence while supporting you to achieve your goals. We recognise that developing and maintaining your own standard of living is integral to your emotional and physical wellbeing. Having the right support from a team that understands your needs can help you to remain in control of your wellbeing.

For instance, our staff are able to support you in:

  • Personal Care.
  • Showering and Bathing.
  • Washing & Drying Hair.
  • Filing of Nails & Application of Nail Varnish.
  • Medication Prompts and Administration.
  • Preparing a meal.
  • Making appointments and arranging transport or taking you
  • Help with writing shopping list and take you shopping.
  • Paying bills etc.


To different people, companionship means different things. We can adapt our companionship care to whatever you need, whenever you need it. Some of the things we happily support include:

  • Sharing your life experiences, listening and conversing.
  • Going to the hairdressers/barbers.
  • Escorting to GP and hospital appointments.
  • Arrange maintenance of home and garden.
  • Read for you or with you – newspapers, books, internet.
  • Share memories through photographs, music and films.
  • Going to the theatre, cinema, music events.
  • Accessing education such as college, Open University, visits to the Library.
  • Visiting places of interest.
  • Shopping trips for clothes, birthday gifts and Christmas.
  • Swimming, gym, horse riding, sporting events.
  • Helping you keep in touch with friends and family.

Home From Hospital

Our home from hospital services is aimed to enable hospital outpatients to recover at the comfort of their home following serious illness or injury. We fully understand that illness and injury can put an incredible strain on the body and that the quality of care received during the recovery process is extremely essential to your long-term health. By providing high quality convalescent care, we can are committed to support you on your journey to full recovery by assisting you with a number of tasks that will be difficult for you to do until you recover.

24 Hour Care at Home

We aim to provide 24-hour care packages to people whose needs require this level of support.

Dependent upon the care needs, this service can be delivered in shifts by a team of staff if waking nights are required or on a live-in basis. Our Clinical Nurse Managers will work with you and your family to develop a suitable care-plan that is specific to your needs and wishes.

Complex Care Solutions for Spine & Brain Injuries

We will always aim to support service users requiring complex care and support by selecting a team of staff who effectively meets your individual and specific needs. Our staff will work closely with your family and multi-disciplinary team to continuously strive to reach your identified desirable outcomes. We aim to always develop a workforce with experience in dealing with the challenging behaviour which often presents itself in cases of Brain injury and will work closely with your family to develop an effective working mechanism. Whatever your needs are, our staff will support you in all areas-may it sports, gym, athletics, holidays and ongoing education etc.

Support for those with Learning disabilities

Having a learning disability should not mean your life expectations are any different from any other person. Developing a care-plan to help you take control of your life and shape your own future is as important to us as to you. We do recognise that people with learning disabilities often face many challenges and our experienced support staff will help you overcome obstacles such as accessing your community services and developing independent living skills. Our support staff can help you enjoy fun days out, trips and excursions and enjoyable activities. Our staff can also support you with your schooling, further education or applying for jobs and even going to work.

Mental Health Support

Mental health is something that we can all relate to. We aim to fully support individuals with diagnosed mental health conditions which can be anything from:

  • Depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Bipolar disorder

Through self-development and collaborative support with other staff, we purpose to be part of a service which encourages those diagnosed with mental health conditions gain self-confidence and improved emotional wellbeing on their pathway to desirable independence and recovery. We aim to support people on the following areas: 

  • Managing mental health
  • Physical health and self-care
  • Living skills
  • Social networks
  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Addictive behaviour
  • Responsibilities
  • Identity and self-esteem
  • Trust and hope

End of life care

We aim to work closely with NHS commissioners to provide holistic support to people we care for at the end of life. Prestige Careplus Limited believes in the right to have compassion and dignity throughout life and we will support you and your family at this time by ensuring that that your wishes of care met to the very end. This will be developed with the following in mind:

  • To allow you to remain at home in familiar surroundings and with loved ones.
  • To provide physical and emotional support.
  • To provide companionship and friendship.
  • To ensure that your dignity is protected at all times.
  • To allow you to make choices at all times about the care and support you receive.

In all matters of care and service provision, we always endevour to ensure that your care-plan details your individual needs and wishes. We will work closely with district nurses and your GP to ensure that you have any medical intervention required. Every step of care plan is also shared with your family where appropriate.

Need Our Help? Contact Us

If you wish to discuss your care needs further or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

By email: enquiries@prestigecareplus.co.uk

Or using the Contact Form below: